These are the songs of 16thBreath...

Lighter Songs
(Alternative, ballads)
Away on the SeaWav12- '98
Rain [guitar solo] Wav12- '98
Rain [verse, some chorus] Wav12- '98
Everyday is nothing 12- '98
What they say 06- '99
Caravan [a warm up jam] 06- '99
Disturbed 11- '99
Tell Me Again 11- '99
Little Lies [Full-5:45] Mp3 11- '99
Improv. in C 12- '99
Slow Dance 12- '99
Light in the Darkness 01- '00
TV Song 01- '00
Small TownMp3 02- '00
Under the Influence [Full-5:31]Mp302- '00

Heavier Songs
(Metal, "Hard Rock", etc.)

Adrenaline 10- '98
I know 10- '98
Spare Change 11- '98
A Little too Late 09- '98
Kumbaya [one of our joke-songs]Wav11- '98
Predestined 09- '99
Immortal 12- '99
Cry 12- '99
Different 12- '99
IfMp302- '00
Jamestock Anthem [Full-5:55] Mp307- '00

Poem Songs
(Cool Beatnik Stuff)


09- '98

Welcome to the Sixteenth Breath Songs Page! to the left is a list of the songs we actually play (some more than others...). We've been working on recording some Mp3's for here, so a few of the songs have clips next to them. All sounds are 2 megs or less (probably less), and are actually stored at, which is just where we upload sounds to. There shouldn't be an index page, so you can probably view the root level. update: ...Apparently, people are having trouble getting these things to play on pc's. I think I fixed the problem, but if these still don't work, Email me. Our newest recordings will be on Napster as soon as Jeremiah gets hooked up to the UAF T3 line... Watch for them.

Check out the IUMA Page for better Mp3's and RealAudio streaming, as well.


  • Live at the Deltana Fair
    our first performance, recorded straight to Minidisc and then to CD.
  • Live at UAF
    a live performance recorded with a 4-track and 2 mics, with the Roman Candles and The Singles, among others
  • 16thBreath's Official Demo
    6 of our better basement recordings. Tracks are If, Tell me Again, Spare Change, Rain, Everything for Free, and Under the Influence. available for $5 from any band member, or email austin at

Main Page Members History Shows Pictures
best viewed with eyes open and pointed at the screen.