These are the past shows and upcoming gigs of 16thBreath

  • watch for the CD, because it WILL be out...

    16thBreath's Finale Show, Tribal Hall
    Halloween 2000
    The show itself turned out great, with short segments of drum-and-guitar player switching, throwing candy and toilet paper at the audience, and the "release" of our demo... 16thBreath's concert run is over, however. We'll be recording an album, so keep checking in for updates on that.
    This was Fairbanks' first show with Liquid Lighting (overhead projector w/ oil and food coloring, very '60's), was the 'doctor's first performance with Issac's Theremin, was the first time that mike from Whiskey Tango had both his pants and boxers removed without his consent onstage, and also featured none other than Jerry Garcia himself on drums for Savvy...

    The Youth Center
    Friday the 13th, at the Youth Center (for lack of a venue with better acoustics...), with Jakob's Ladder, Savvy, Whiskey Tango, Clear Cut and 16thBreath. Pretty nice turnout, no major problems. First time we actually used our homemade lighting system, and also Savvy's first major show with James playing electric dijirido...

    Misc. House Parties and Small gigs...
    For some reason, we played a lengthy string of small gigs around here, including 4 house parties and, (get this), a wedding... strange, but fun.

    State Fair, Battle of the Bands
    Well, this was a fun show for us, that's for sure. Final places came out to be in this order:
    1) serum
    2) Trademark
    3) Marc Brown and the Blues Crew
    4) the Scholars
    5) 16thBreath
    6) Jakob's Ladder
    7) Maundy Thursday

    Alaskaland Civic Center,7/19/00
    Well, we got this show with the Youth Center, but it turns out that it was a joint effort with the infamous Joel's Place, that wouldn't to let us play once because we 'just weren't christian enough'... We played at 11 pm after all the christian punk bands got off the stage, to a small audience, because everyone else in the house just wanted more christian punk. Oh well, punk happens. We also managed to give Uncle Mike a scare by drinking shots of Chocolate Syrup during austin's drum solo (quote uncle mike:"oh my God, what is that??") good times, good times... this show was a lot of fun, because we just wanted to play rather than perform...

    Jamestock 2000 Well, Jamestock 2000 was a pretty good success, even though Sweating Honey, Mr. McFeely and Gangly Moose all couldn't show. Savvy played a great set, even without Cassidy, who is at the moment on a sailboat to california. Whiskey Tango played great for not having their own drummer, either, and Jeremy's other band (scapegoat at the time) opened the event. We ended up playing 3 different sets, of course... Most of the audience enjoyed the swimming pool, too.

    May 12th at the Tribal Hall
    Well, For those of you who were there, we think we can safely say that this show ruled. Whiskey Tango gave a usual intro, packed with songs about sleeping with your sisters and stuff, followed by "Dan and Issac - IN LAVA" (or something. Dan or Issac, please tell me), which eventually turned into 4 out of 5 doctors. A very ruckus set by 16thBreath then ensued, and was then promptly showed up by none other than Gangly Moose, who played incredibly, and even turned down pay because they said they had so much fun. Well, Savvy played a really cool set to close the whole thing off, performing only 3 songs in one hour (They're a Jam Band - I should point out that they did play for the whole time). Just a note - the mosh pit for the "Spin-Mosh" cut of "wipeout" was definitely our biggest mosh pit EVER- if you were injured in it, Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Back to the critique - Allison's dad decided to turn the lights on, thus ending the show at a fairly early 12:15, but regardless of when it stopped, it still went well. The middle section of the Tribal hall made for a very nice venue (better than having the wings opened, I think), because it made for a lot of interaction with the audience. Estimated total of paying concert-goers: 190. (probably more who didn't pay, but oh well).

    Battle of the Bands
    in Febuary... Was for the Iuma musicomania battle. We did pretty good, especially when you consider the fact that the sound system decided to hate us (no, seriously! that's not just an excuse!). We couldn't hear ANY of ali, not even tones... So we all stared at each other, trying to figure where the heck we were. missed a few cues, but we were still pretty together. Just about every band in fairbanks played - us, the Singles, Herman, Sweating Honey, Serum, SCDW, the Born Losers... it goes on. Sorry if I forgot your band... I'll update sometime later when i've got a poster.

    Scholar's farewell concert.
    1/21/99 at the Dog Mushers hall. We'll be playing with Ezro Sun, The Scholars, 4 out of 5 Doctors, and one more that I can't remember.

    Musher's Hall
    Sometime in December - We know we played more shows at the musher's hall than we have listed, so there should be a couple here.

    Solstice Concert
    12/21/99. We had a really good time slot, but found out that this would most likely be The Sholars' last show ever (their drummer is leaving for colorado or something), so we opened and let them have our good spot, because we're just nice people like that. This was also our debut with new guitarist Jeremy Harrod, it went pretty well, but we hope to have more two guitar songs so that we can use him more fully in the next show.

    11/12/99 @ The Boys and Girls club
    we played 8-9. This was a very last minute show because the venue we wanted to play at didn't call us back until a week before we wanted to perform, and then told us we couldn't play there. We barely found the Boys and Girls club and advertised it before the show. It went pretty well, the small audience was a lot of fun and appeared to really get into it.

    Hess Rec center, UAF.
    10/16/99.  11:30-12:30  We closed a show that had been composed of UAF students as well as The Roman Candles and Born Losers, several Anchorage bands that drove up for the show.  This was our upright citizens show, we were all dressed up: Jeremiah was a Police Man, Allison was a boyscout, Austin and John were both dentists.

    Jamestock 99, Sept. 25.
    the newest, biggest, music fest to hit Fairbanks Alaska, or at least we'd like to think so.  Our mutual friend James Bartlet's birthday was the 20th, and we agreed to play at his birthday part, well, it got out of hand, and five bands were billed to play.  We organized everything and played a show off of James' roof.  It was alot of fun for everyone involved, but it was extraordinarily cold.  Fingers were stiff, faces numb, and the music was a little slower than normal, but it was fun.  Other bands included Some Dudes From Ester, Four out of Five Doctors, Whiskey Tango, and Sixteenth Breath, of course. 
    Jamestock pictures

    a local music festival every year up on campus.  There was a large break before our turn, being the generous musicians we are, we let another, unscheduled, band use our instruments to play their first show ever.  Whiskey Tango was a very interesting addition to the roster.  Our show went well, several songs involved John and Jeremiah moshing together.  At one point in time we had a mosh pit of 6 freekin' people!!!! (most of which was Whiskey Tango)


    Tanana Valley State Fair , 3-4 August 10th. The audiences were better, maybe there were ten people we didn't know in the audience (which is better than when we were in Delta). Due to some technical difficulties our first song, we had to restart, but other than that, was a perfectly fine show.  We also came up with the idea of letting Austin solo for five minutes or so, and the rest of the band running down into the audience during Adrenaline (the audience loved it!).


    Two shows at the Delta Fair , July 29-30. We played 9-10 friday night, and 4-5 the next day. We drove two hours south of Fairbanks, to the small town of Delta, crammed in Austin's fathers van (because Alli's parents wouldn't let her drive with Jeremiah).  We arrived barely in time for our first live show, which was at nine o'clock - ten.  What surprised me the most was how the Delta fair was alive till about eight thirty, then as though the entire town had an early bedtime, everyone disappeared just in time for our show.  For almost the entire show, our audience was composed of friends and family of the band.  Slightly dejected, the band retired to a friends cabin for a late night around the camp fire.  Slightly before our second show, we were all sitting in the van bitching about how there was nothing to do in delta, Jeremiah was busy bitching about how all males between the ages of 10 and 30 were dressed exactly the same, with exactly the same short blond haircut. During this bitching he wrote our surf/warm-up song "God damn all you skater freaks who dye your hair to look like all the other god damn skater freaks in this whole fucking town" (which was promptly nick-named Caravan). Our second show was slightly better, but because of intense heat, the bleachers were nearly empty, our audience was mostly hiding in the shade of the stage. And about half way through the set, we realized that we must have started playing early (the group ahead of us ended early) and we had twenty minutes to kill. During this time we decided to Jam on the tune that Jeremiah had written only hours earlier (and had to teach john the bassline onstage)  All in all, it was a worth while endeavor, and a good place to start doing live shows.

    Pictures of us playing in Delta

    1. Live on Experiment Alpha , a local radio show on KSUA 91.5    July 18, 1999, 7-8. We all crammed into the tiny production room and played an hour long set - it was pretty crazy.

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